LIUNA joins coalition coalition advocating passage of the Path to 100 Act

Illinois Representative Will Davis (D-Hazel Crest) announced the Path to 100 Act, new legislation that expands Illinois’ renewable energy standards in order to drive new wind, solar and storage development and bring the state to 100% clean energy. Davis worked with an alliance of clean energy businesses to develop legislation that improves and expands on Illinois’ existing clean energy policies in order to drive more clean energy, new jobs and economic development.

“For the sake of our economy and our future, we need to get on the path to 100% clean, renewable electricity and we can start today,” said Davis. “The Path to 100 Act will achieve one of Governor Pritzker’s campaign goals while putting thousands of people to work, generating new investment in our state and new tax revenues for local communities.”

The Path to 100 Act builds on the efforts of the Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) to increase renewable energy deployment across the state. Under FEJA, several hundred megawatts of wind and solar renewable energy credits were procured including utility scale wind, utility scale solar, community solar and residential rooftop.

Read the full story here.


